
Types-C comes with built-in arrays types. This type is a primitive type and not to be confused with standard library Array type.

Similar to Java's arrays, Type-C arrays have fixed size and zero-based indexing. Arrays are declared using the [] syntax, and can be initialized using the array keyword.

Arrays can be indexed using the [] operator, and their length can be obtained using the length property.

Array operations:

Arrays can be indexed, extended or sliced, here the full list of operations:

  • Indexing: arr[i], i must be of type u64, returns the element at index i
  • Index set: arr[i] = x, i must be of type u64, sets the element at index i to x and returns it.
  • Length: arr.length, returns u64.
  • Slice: arr.slice(start, end), start and end must be of type u64.
  • Extend: arr.extend(x), x must be of type u64, sets the size of the array to x. Returns void.

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