Like any regular programming language, Type-C provides basic built-in data types. These types have a guaranteed fixed size, ensuring that the data they represent occupies a constant amount of memory, regardless of the platform. This is crucial for low-level operations and provides more predictable behavior for high-performance computing tasks.
Overview of Basic Data Types
Name | Explanation | Range |
u8 | 8-bit wide unsigned integer | 0 to 255 |
i8 | 8-bit wide signed integer | -128 to 127 |
u16 | 16-bit wide unsigned integer | 0 to 65,535 |
i16 | 16-bit wide signed integer | -32,768 to 32,767 |
u32 | 32-bit wide unsigned integer | 0 to 4,294,967,295 |
i32 | 32-bit wide signed integer | -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 |
u64 | 64-bit wide unsigned integer | 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 |
i64 | 64-bit wide signed integer | -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 |
f32 | 32-bit wide floating point number | 3.4 × 10^38 (7 digits) |
f64 | 64-bit wide floating point number | 1.7 × 10^308 (15 digits) |
bool | Boolean value (8-bit sized) | true or false |
void | Usually a return type for functions that have no return value | |
null | Used both as a type and a value, to indicate that an object is nullable |
Type-C does not provide C compatibility types for basic types. Instead, u8 is compatible with C99 uint8_t, and similarly for all other types.
Type Casting Between Basic Types
Type casting is not an instantaneous operation. In order to maintain type safety, Type-C casts an intermediate type to the target type, when necessary. This is to prevent loss of data or unexpected results, when applicable.
For example:
In the above example, x is a floating point number, and z is an unsigned integer. The compiler will first convert x into u32, then to u8.
Additional Notes on Basic Data Types
Boolean Type (bool): The bool type is used to represent logical values. It is primarily used in conditional statements and control flow to represent true or false values. The bool type is stored in 8 bits.
Floating Point Types (f32 and f64): Floating point types are used to represent real numbers, and they follow the IEEE 754 standard for floating point arithmetic. The f32 type provides 7 digits of precision, while the f64 type provides 15 digits of precision. These types are useful for scientific calculations where precision is important.
Integer Types (u8, i8, u16, i16, u32, i32, u64, i64): Unsigned types (u*) are used for non-negative values, while signed types (i*) can represent both positive and negative values. The choice between different integer sizes depends on the range of values required by the application and the memory constraints.
Void Type (void): The void type is used to specify that a function does not return a value. It is commonly used for functions that perform actions but do not produce a result.
Null Type (null): The null type is used to indicate the absence of a value or that a reference is not pointing to any object. It is often used to denote uninitialized or optional values.
Implicit and Explicit Casting
Implicit Casting: Type-C minimizes implicit casting to prevent unintended data loss. For example, assigning an i32 value to an i8 variable will require explicit casting to ensure that the developer is aware of potential data truncation.
Explicit Casting: Explicit casting can be performed using the as keyword. The casting process involves converting to an intermediate type if necessary, ensuring that data integrity is maintained.
Example of Explicit Casting
In this example, the value of a is explicitly cast to an i8 type. Since i8 has a smaller range, there is a risk of overflow, and explicit casting makes the developer aware of this possibility.
Best Practices
Choose the Smallest Suitable Data Type: When designing your application, choose the smallest data type that can accommodate the range of values required. This helps reduce memory usage and can improve performance.
Avoid Unnecessary Casting: To maintain code readability and minimize bugs, avoid unnecessary type casting unless it is explicitly needed for the logic of the application.
Be Mindful of Overflow and Underflow: When using integer types, be aware of the risk of overflow and underflow, especially when performing arithmetic operations. Consider using a larger type if the result might exceed the limits of the current type.