In Type-C, functions are first-class citizens, allowing them to be assigned to variables, passed as arguments, or returned from other functions. The language supports the definition of custom types for functions, streamlining their use in various contexts. Currently, the variable name has to be present within a function type despite not really being used.
The snippet defines a custom function type, FunctionType, designed for functions that accept a ServerResponse and return void. This custom type enhances code readability by making explicit the expected function signature. The example also demonstrates a higher-order function, apply, which takes a function f and an array arr, and returns a new array obtained by applying f to each element of arr. This showcases how function types can simplify the manipulation and use of functions as data.
Argument Mutability
When it comes to type compatibility between function types, not only arguments types must be compatible, but also their mutability must be compatible. For example, a function that takes a mutable argument cannot be assigned to a variable of type function that takes an immutable argument. However, the opposite is possible, a function that takes an immutable argument can be assigned to a variable of type function that takes a mutable argument. This is to ensure that the expected mutability of the argument is preserved.
fn vs cfn
Since this section explain function as in a datatype, there is a need to differentiate between regular functions and coroutine callable functions.
Later through the docs, we will review coroutine data type. Coroutines yield a value and not return, this is a different behavior from regular functions. Hence, there are actually 2 types of functions in Type-C, fn and cfn.
fn is used for regular functions and cfn is used for coroutines.
From a datatype perspective, there is a difference between fn and cfn
This is further discussed in the coroutines section.