
What is a Coroutine?

Coroutines allows you to model execution in terms of frames, every call to a coroutine executes a frame and returns the execution back to the caller. One common usage of coroutine is generators and iterators, where you feed in an array of elements for example; to a coroutine, and every call to the coroutine returns the next element in the array.

tl;dr: coroutine is a special type of function that can pause its execution (yield) and be resumed later (resume). Unlike a typical function that runs from start to finish when called.

In Type-C, coroutines are designed to yield control back to the caller when needed, allowing a smooth flow of data between producer and consumer functions.

Coroutines are not a form of concurrency, but rather a way to manage cooperative multitasking. Coroutines execution are run in the parent thread.

Coroutine implementation in Type-C

This part will be divided into two sections, the first section will tackle the design of coroutines within Type-C as a language and the second will delve into the VM implementation of coroutines.

Coroutine Design

Coroutins in Type-C are heavily inspired by Lua. However, my goal is for Type-C to be deterministic and predictable, so I've made some changes to the design. First, any function that yields, is now considered to be a Coroutine Callable Function. Meaning you cannot call these directly. To distinguish between such functions and regular functions, regular functions are annotated with fn keyword, while coroutine callable functions are annotated with cfn keyword. Coroutines always use latest arguments (unlike in Lua). If backup is needed, it should be done manually.

You can still declare a function with fn keyword and if it contains a yield, the compiler will automatically convert it to a coroutine callable function.

In this example, loop and loop2 are identical.

However, when dealing with anonymous functions, let's say an array of functions, there is an actual distinction between using fn and cfn keywords.

This example will fail, because loop is of datatype cfn(x: u32) -> u32 while loop2 is of datatype fn(x: u32) -> u32.

Other difference between Coroutine Callable Functions and Regular Functions is that Coroutine Callable Functions cannot return. Having a return within a cfn or mixing returns and yields will result in a compile-time error.

Now to actual coroutine itself, loop2 is simply a coroutine callable function. Think of it as a class if you will. And a class needs to be instianciated!

Now we can an instance of the coroutine, and we can call it as many times as it yields. Calling it more will result in a crash!

Now that we call the coroutine 3 times, we can check for its status. A coroutine can have the following status:

  • created: The coroutine is created and hasn't been called yet.
  • running: The coroutine is currently running.
  • suspended: The coroutine is suspended and can be resumed.
  • dead: The coroutine has finished execution.

However, in our previous example, the co.status will result a status suspended. Because there is no way for it to recognize that it has reached its end.

Here is why: A coroutine must always yield when called. It is up to the developer to decide when to stop the coroutine. Essentially there two options: Return a flag indicating the end of the coroutine, or use yield! to mark the coroutine as finished.

In our case, the coroutine will return a tuple of (u32, bool). The bool flag will indicate if the coroutine has finished or not. it also uses yield! to indicate that the coroutine has finished.

Since we are returning a flag, we can transform this to be come an infinite loop to iterate over the array as many times as we want.

Kudos! Keep reading!