
In programming, expressions and statements are two fundamental concepts that often get confused. An expression is any piece of code that evaluates to a single value. For example, 2 + 2 is an expression that evaluates to 4. You can combine expressions to make more complex expressions. For example, (2 + 2) * 3}. Generally speaking expressions don't have side effects, meaning they don't change any state or have observable interactions. However, some expressions like function calls may have side effects. Statements on the other hand performs an action and doesn't necessarily evaluate to a value. Statements are executed for their side effects, like changing a variable's value or printing something to the console. You can't combine statements in the way you can combine expressions and often have side effects, like modifying variables or interacting with I/O. The takeaway is:

  • Expressions answer the question "What is the value?"
  • Statements answer the question "What to do next?"

Let Statement

The let statement in Type-C is used for variable declaration and initializing it with a value. Everything we have been through in section Type-C basics variable declaration, still applies. The syntax is straightforward you specify the keyword let, followed by the variable name, an optional type annotation (if the inference engine can infer the type from the value), and a mandatory initial value. Here are some examples:

Once declared, you can't redeclare the variable with the let statement, but you can change its value if it's not declared as cosntant. Remember, in Type-C the let statement itself does not return a value, which distinguishes it from expressions.

Declaring multiple variables

One let statement can define multiple variables, separated by commas. Each variable have its own type annotation and initial value. Here is an example:

Declaring Constants

In Type-C, you can declare a variable as a constant using the const keyword. Constants are immutable, meaning their value cannot be changed after initialization.


It is possible to declare variables by destructuring an array, a tuple or a struct. Each one has a slightly different syntax, for example, when destructuring a struct, you can either reuse the name of the field as defined in the struct or assign a new name to it. When destructuring an array or a tuple, you can use _ to ignore a value, since the order of the values matters. And finally, both struct and array destructuring supports spread operator ... to capture the rest of the values.

Here is an example:

Nullable Variable Declaration

Since type annotation is optional, sometimes you want to the variable to be nullable without specifying the type. Hence you can use the ? operator to declare a nullable variable right after its name. Here is an example:

Declaring a variable as nullable will raise a compilation error Variable initializer is already nullable, please remove the nullable hint from the variable declaration` if the initializer results in a nullable type!

Function Declaration

One example of function declaration statement is the main function from our hello world example. Let's review its syntax:

We have made few changes however, our function now returns void instead of u32. This is because the main function is the entry point of the program, and it is not required to return a value. The main function also takes a single argument, which is an array of strings. This argument is used to pass command line arguments to the program. The main function is the only function that is required to be present in a Type-C program. However, you can define other functions as well. Let's take a look at another example:

Same as in lambda expressions, a function body can be written as expression:

And in this case, the return type is optional since it can inferred by the compiler. As mentioned previously, functions declared using fn <identifier> are bound to their name. This is a good practice if you need a persisted function name that will not change, it will also help the compiler with bunch of optimization and is preffered over lambda expressions. However, if you need to pass a function as an argument to another function, you can use lambda expressions instead. This is because lambda expressions are anonymous, and they can be passed as arguments to other functions. One final note, functions declared this way are only allowed in the global scope, meaning you cannot declare a function this way inside another function/block etc.

Note that function names shares the same pool names with variables, imported modules and types. Type-C has no support for function overloading. Each function must have a unique name.

If - Else

In Type-C, the if, else if, and else statements offer conditional logic. Unlike languages like C or Java, Type-C doesn't require parentheses around the condition in if and else if statements. However, the body of each clause must be enclosed in curly braces {}. The if statement evaluates a condition, and if the condition is true, it executes the code block that follows. The else if and else statements are optional and can follow the if statement. The else if evaluates another condition if the preceding if condition is false, and the else clause captures all other scenarios. Here are a few code examples to demonstrate:

Note that, during evaluation any non-null non-false expression evaluates to true, similar to C. Now lets move the grammar.

Match Statement

The syntax is identical to match expressions, except it uses blocks instead of expressions. The same can be said for the grammar too. But before that, lets do review an example:

For Loop

The classical for loop, in type-c it is very similar to that of C family too, lets start with an example:

You can declare multiple variables in the initialization block, the condition block must always yeild an expression to be evaluate, and the final block, you can write multiple comma-separated expresions.

Foreach loop

foreach loop automizes looping for Iterable, Native arrays data. Unlike for loop, you do not have to declare iterating variables within foreach statement, which variables you use will be declared automatically.

Think of foreach statement as Macro that expands to a for loop, under the hood.

Here is an example:

While Loop

The while loop is used to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a given condition is true. The condition is evaluated before executing the loop's body, and if it's true, the body is executed. This process repeats until the condition becomes false. Here's an example:

Now let us review the grammar:

Do - While Loop

The do-while loop is similar to the while loop, except that the condition is evaluated after the loop's body. This means that the loop's body is always executed at least once. Here's an example:


A block is a group of statements that are enclosed in curly braces {}. Blocks are used to group statements together, and they can be used anywhere a single statement is allowed. Other than mandatory blocks as in if-else, loops, and functions, blocks are optional. Here's an example:

Return, Continue and Break Statements


Continue is used to resume a loop, by skipping the rest of the loop block. The following examples sums all values of an array, except of values who equals to 1.


Break is used to exit the current loop entirely. The following example checks if an array has a null element or not:


Return is statement that is used within functions to return values. Returns can only return a single value.

Expression Statement

A statement can also be an expression. In this case, the expression is evaluated, but the result is discarded.

Kudos! Keep reading!